We love our lush green lawns.

But we may not be fond of all the watering, chemicals and fertilizer needed.

There is another option...











Convert to a Low Maintenance Lawn with Zenith Zoysia Grass(shown here)


Advantages of Zenith Zoysia grass


Loves the summer heat and is drought resistant. 

Your lawn will stay green all summer without the need of constant watering.


Zenith's thick growth pattern inhibits weeds from germinating.


Zenith's thick growth pattern also inhibits grubs from infesting and eating your lawn, and the moles that feed on grubs.


Lower fertilizer needs. 1-2 fertilzer applications is sufficient.


Slow growing, you won't need to mow your lawn as often.


The savings on water, chemicals and fertilizer will allow your new lawn to keep paying dividends in to the future, every season.


Please text or call us to get started!   518-881-9741